The highest score of customer service quality was determined at banking sector in Lithuania (89.5%). Banks in Latvia scored 9 pp less (80.5%) and the lowest score at banking sector of Baltics was assessed in Estonia (77.5%).
The leader in Lithuania and Latvia is “Citadelė” (96.4% and 91.7%), in Estonia – “LHV” (91.0%).
Dive carried out banks sector survey in the end of 2016 and beginning of January 2017 in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania by conducting 229 visits to different banks. The aim of the research is to measure customer service quality of commercial banks in Baltic region, benchmark results between banks and countries and find our three best banks in each country.
DIVE TOP 3 is an ongoing customer service quality benchmarking tool for various sectors (e.g. banking, automotive, telecom etc.) across Baltic countries and Poland, conducted by Dive, using Mystery Shopping method.
For more info please contact Dive Group sales and marketing manager Kerli Soosaar (tel: +372 5656 7074, e-mail: kerli.soosaar@dive-group.com).