Interested in a career as a Mystery Shopper? 

If you are a curious and open-minded person and are willing to master this slightly exotic profession, this is just the offer for you. Prior choosing DIVE GROUP, you must ask yourself the following two questions:

  1. Am I ready to study extensively until I absorb the best experience accumulated by DIVE Group?
  2. Am I comfortable in taking guidance from the general values of the company and in strictly upholding the principles of work ethic?

If your feel you are prepared to join our dynamic and ambitious team and your answer is:

Yes, I would like to become a mystery shopper

Please fill in this application form.  After you read title page application filling instructions click on the link “Become a shopper”. Process is fun and quick! Please note that good command of the local language, both spoken and written, is a must!

Good luck in the selection process!

DIVE GROUP will introduce you to the requirements that are applied to a professional mystery shopper and will comprehensively assist you in developing excellent skills necessary for successful work. The company will sincerely appreciate your contribution to the success of the company and will strive to assist its loyal shoppers in the achievement of their personal objectives.

What does the selection process look like?

We review on-line CV applications: select candidates whose personal data corresponds to the requirements applied to the mystery shopper’s work most

Selected candidates receive theoretical materials about mystery shopping method, its purpose, how exactly mystery shopping in reality works and tips for real assignments, after which their knowledge will be examined

And practical assignment with guideline – to carry out a trial survey (visit)
Candidates who were the best in the selection process are invited to join our team of shoppers and continue growth for becoming professional mystery shoppers in the near future – now you are ready for the first real assignments (!)

What makes it worthwhile to become a mystery shopper?

And all of these things will depend on your capabilities, preparedness and initiative.

However, if the last advantage is what matters the most to you, we do not recommend that you fill in the application form. Being a mystery shopper implies not only a possibility of earning fast money. While it is an interesting and fun job, it nevertheless requires extensive learning, effort and responsible work.