Customers’ satisfaction research constitutes an important complement to mystery shopping research – it makes it possible to determine the subjective assessment of customer service (as well as other aspects of a company activity). Thanks to the research you know which standards of customer service your employees comply with and what your true clients expect from customer service. Confronting the results of the two forms of research enables you to make appropriate decisions connected with customer service management.

Analysing customers’ opinion is useful for creating and verifying customer service standards, making decisions strengthening customers’ loyalty and other issues. The research also lets you get to know the profile of your company’s average client, which makes it possible, in turn, to aim various marketing activities more precisely.

We carry out the customers’ satisfaction research using quantitative (both traditional face-to-face questionnaire research and via the Internet) and qualitative methods. Just as in case of mystery shopping research the research project should be “made to measure” – we will be happy to advise you what kind of research will be the most advantageous for you.